// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the Apache Public Source License 2.0 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.js; import org.ibex.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** The minimum set of functionality required for objects which are manipulated by JavaScript */ public interface JS { /** Returns an enumeration of the keys in this object. */ public JS.Enumeration keys() throws JSExn; /** Return the value associated with the given key. */ public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn; /** Store a specific value against the given key. */ public void put(JS key, JS value) throws JSExn; /** Calls a specific method with given arguments on this object. * An exception is thrown if there is no such method or the * arguments are invalid. */ public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn; /** Returns the names of the formal arguments, if any. * This function must never return a null object. */ public String[] getFormalArgs(); /** Put a value to the given key, calling any write traps that have * been placed on the key. * * This function may block for an indeterminate amount of time. * * Write traps may change the final value before it is put, thus * be careful to read the latest value from this function's return * before doing any more work with it. */ public JS putAndTriggerTraps(JS key, JS value) throws JSExn; /** Gets the value for a given key, calling any read traps that have * been placed on the key. * * This function may block for an indeterminate amount of time. */ public JS getAndTriggerTraps(JS key) throws JSExn; /** Calls the write traps placed on a given key with the given value * and returns the result without saving it to this object's key store. */ public JS justTriggerTraps(JS key, JS value) throws JSExn; public void addTrap(JS key, JS function) throws JSExn; public void delTrap(JS key, JS function) throws JSExn; public Trap getTrap(JS key) throws JSExn; // FEATURE: consider renaming/removing these public JS unclone(); public String coerceToString() throws JSExn; // Implementations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Provides the lightest possible implementation of JS, throwing * exceptions on every mutable operation. */ public static class Immutable implements JS { private static final String[] emptystr = new String[0]; public JS unclone() { return this; } public JS.Enumeration keys() throws JSExn { throw new JSExn("object has no key set, class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); } public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { return null; } public void put(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { throw new JSExn("'" + key + "' is read only on class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); } public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { if (method == null) throw new JSExn( "object cannot be called, class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); throw new JSExn("method not found: " + JSU.str(method) + " class="+this.getClass().getName()); } public String[] getFormalArgs() { return emptystr; } public String coerceToString() throws JSExn { throw new JSExn("cannot coerce a "+getClass().getName()+" to a string"); } public JS putAndTriggerTraps(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { throw new JSExn("'" + key + "' is trap read only on class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); } public JS getAndTriggerTraps(JS key) throws JSExn { return null; } public JS justTriggerTraps(JS key, JS value) throws JSExn { return null; } public void addTrap(JS key, JS function) throws JSExn { Log.warn(this, "'" + JSU.str(key) + "' is not trappable on class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); } public void delTrap(JS key, JS function) throws JSExn { Log.warn(this, "'" + JSU.str(key) + "' trap is read only on class ["+ getClass().getName() +"]"); } public Trap getTrap(JS key) throws JSExn { return null; } } public interface Cloneable {} public static class Clone implements JS { protected final JS clonee; public Clone(JS clonee) throws JSExn { if (!(clonee instanceof Cloneable)) throw new JSExn(clonee.getClass().getName() + " is not implement cloneable"); this.clonee = clonee; } public JS unclone() { return clonee.unclone(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return clonee.equals(o); } public Enumeration keys() throws JSExn { return clonee.keys(); } public JS get(JS k) throws JSExn { return clonee.get(k); } public void put(JS k, JS v) throws JSExn { clonee.put(k, v); } public JS call(JS m, JS[] a) throws JSExn { return clonee.call(m, a); } public String[] getFormalArgs() { return clonee.getFormalArgs(); } public JS putAndTriggerTraps(JS k, JS v) throws JSExn { return clonee.putAndTriggerTraps(k, v); } public JS getAndTriggerTraps(JS k) throws JSExn { return clonee.getAndTriggerTraps(k); } public JS justTriggerTraps(JS k, JS v) throws JSExn { return clonee.justTriggerTraps(k, v); } public void addTrap(JS k, JS f) throws JSExn { clonee.addTrap(k, f); } public void delTrap(JS k, JS f) throws JSExn { clonee.delTrap(k, f); } public Trap getTrap(JS k) throws JSExn { return clonee.getTrap(k); } public String coerceToString() throws JSExn { return clonee.coerceToString(); } } public static class Obj extends Basket.Hash implements JS { private static final String[] emptystr = new String[0]; private static final Placeholder holder = new Placeholder(); public Obj() { super(3, 4, 0.75F); } public JS unclone() { return this; } public String[] getFormalArgs() { return emptystr; } public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { throw new JSExn(method==null ? "cannot call a " + getClass().getName() : "method not found: " + JSU.str(method)); } public Enumeration keys() throws JSExn { final Object[] keys = super.dumpkeys(); return new Enumeration(null) { private int cur = 0; public boolean _hasNext() { return cur < keys.length; } public JS _next() throws JSExn { if (cur >= keys.length) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return (JS)keys[cur++]; } }; } public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { return (JS)super.get(key, 0); } public void put(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { super.put(key, val, 0); } public JS putAndTriggerTraps(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { Trap t = (Trap)super.get(key, 1); if (t != null && (t = t.write()) != null) val = (JS)new Interpreter(t, val, false).run(null); put(key, val); // HACK: necessary for subclasses overriding put() return val; } public JS getAndTriggerTraps(JS key) throws JSExn { Trap t = (Trap)super.get(key, 1); return t == null ? (JS)get(key) : (JS)new Interpreter(t, null, false).run(null); } public JS justTriggerTraps(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { Trap t = (Trap)super.get(key, 1); if (t == null || (t = t.write()) == null) return val; return (JS)new Interpreter(t, val, true).run(null); } public void addTrap(JS key, JS f) throws JSExn { if (f.getFormalArgs() == null || f.getFormalArgs().length > 1) throw new JSExn("traps must take either one argument (write) or no arguments (read)"); for (Trap t = (Trap)super.get(key, 1); t != null; t = t.next()) if (t.function().equals(f)) return; super.put(key, new TrapHolder(this, key, f, (Trap)super.get(key, 1)), 1); } public void delTrap(JS key, JS f) throws JSExn { Trap t = (Trap)super.get(key, 1); if (t==null) return; if (t.function().equals(f)) { super.put(key, t.next(), 2); return; } for (; t.next() != null; t = t.next()) if (t.next().function().equals(f)) { ((TrapHolder)t).next = t.next().next(); return; } } public Trap getTrap(JS key) throws JSExn { return (Trap)super.get(key, 1); } public String coerceToString() throws JSExn { throw new JSExn("cannot coerce a "+getClass().getName()+" to a string"); } private static final class Placeholder implements Serializable {} private static final class TrapHolder implements Trap { private final JS target, key, function; private Trap next; TrapHolder(JS t, JS k, JS f, Trap n) { target = t; key = k; function = f; next = n; } public JS key() { return key; } public JS target() { return target; } public JS function() { return function; } public boolean isReadTrap() { return function.getFormalArgs() == null || function.getFormalArgs().length == 0; } public boolean isWriteTrap() { return function.getFormalArgs() != null && function.getFormalArgs().length != 0; } public Trap next() { return next; } public Trap nextRead() { Trap t = next; while (t != null && t.isWriteTrap()) t = t.next(); return t; } public Trap nextWrite() { Trap t = next; while (t != null && t.isReadTrap()) t = t.next(); return t; } public Trap read() { return isReadTrap() ? this : nextRead(); } public Trap write() { return isWriteTrap() ? this : nextWrite(); } } } public interface Trap { public JS key(); public JS target(); public JS function(); public boolean isReadTrap(); public boolean isWriteTrap(); public Trap next(); public Trap nextRead(); public Trap nextWrite(); public Trap read(); // FEATURE reconsider these function names public Trap write(); } /** An empty class used for instanceof matching the result of JS.get() * to decide if the key is a method (to be called with JS.callMethod(). */ public static final class Method extends Immutable {} public static abstract class Enumeration extends Immutable { public static final Enumeration EMPTY = new Empty(null); private final Enumeration parent; public Enumeration() { this(null); } public Enumeration(Enumeration parent) { this.parent = parent; } protected abstract boolean _hasNext(); protected abstract JS _next() throws JSExn; public final boolean hasNext() { return _hasNext() || (parent != null ? parent.hasNext() : false); } public final JS next() throws JSExn { if (_hasNext()) return _next(); if (parent == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("reached end of set"); return parent.next(); } public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.str(key)) case "hasNext": return JSU.B(hasNext()); case "next": return next(); //#end return super.get(key); } public static final class Empty extends Enumeration { public Empty(Enumeration parent) { super(parent); } protected boolean _hasNext() { return false; } protected JS _next() { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public static class JavaIterator extends Enumeration { protected final Iterator i; public JavaIterator(Enumeration parent, Iterator i) { super(parent); this.i = i; } protected boolean _hasNext() { return i.hasNext(); } protected JS _next() { return (JS)i.next(); } } public static class JavaStringEnumeration extends Enumeration { protected final java.util.Enumeration e; public JavaStringEnumeration(java.util.Enumeration e) { this.e = e; } protected boolean _hasNext() { return e.hasMoreElements(); } protected JS _next() { return JSU.S(e.nextElement().toString()); } } public static final class RandomAccessList extends Enumeration { private final List l; private int pos = 0, size; public RandomAccessList(Enumeration parent, List list) { super(parent); l = list; size = l.size(); } protected boolean _hasNext() { return pos < size; } protected JS _next() { return (JS)l.get(pos++); } } } }